newslink.gif (2651 bytes)

image1.gif (1811 bytes) Changes in this page
p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) ABC is added in Australia (12/Jun/98)
p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) The Asahi is added in Japan (12/Jun/98)
p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) BBC is added in U.K. (12/Jun/98)
p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) When you visit the Chosunilbo in Korea, you can see the sign of English. Click the sign. (25/July/98)
p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) When you visit the Yomiuri in Japan, you can see the sign of English. Click the sign. (25/July/98)
p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) I added The Times and The Mirror in U.K. If you want to access The Times, you need to do free registration.  (25/July/98)

p_todaynew.gif (1315 bytes) I linked some homepages about general news. These homepages might be useful to you. All these pages are written in English. I think reading articles which are written in English is very important. You can improve your reading skills and your vocabulary. Have a fun...

TV News




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