english grammer world

Countable noun

1. article (a/an)

p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) You can use article such as a and an before countable nouns
p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) Be careful, you can not use countable nouns without article (a/an). 

(ex) I want to eat an apple.
(ex) Eastern people usually eat rice every day.


2. singular & plural

p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) There are singular countable nouns and plural countable nouns in countable nouns.
p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) You can use singular countable nouns with a/an
p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) You can use plural countable nouns alone

(ex) She is a Monash language centre student.
(ex) There are many students in Monash language centre.


3. some & any

p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) You can use some and any with countable nouns.
p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) You can use some and any With plural countable nouns...

(ex) He sang some songs yesterday.
(ex) Did you buy any bananas?


nouns and articles