english grammer world

With the and without the

1. cities, countries, continents, islands, mountains, states

p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) These are examples.

cities Seoul, New York, Melbourne, London ...
continents North America, Europe, Asia, Africa ...
countries Australia, France, German, China, Korea ...
islands Bermuda, Hawaii ...
mountains Everest, Fuji, Kilimanjaro ...
states California, Victoria, Texas ...
p_todaynew.gif (1315 bytes) But we use the in names of some countries (Kingdom, Republic, States) : the United States of America (the USA), the USSR, the United Kingdom, the Philippines  ...

(ex) He visited Germany last year and He will visit the USA this year.
(ex) How long had you been in Australia?


2. breakfast, disease, sports game, academic subjects

p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) These are examples.

academic mathematics, politics, physics ...
breakfast breakfast, lunch, dinner
disease cancer, measles, mumps ...
sports baseball, basketball, soccer ...
p_todaynew.gif (1315 bytes) 'breakfast', 'lunch', 'dinner' are can be a countable noun or can be a uncountable noun. (first and second ex)

(ex) We had lunch at 2 PM.
(ex) I'm hungry because I had a poor breakfast.

(ex) She was teaching mathematics in high school.
(ex) He would rather play soccer than watch a soccer game.
('game' is a countable noun)


3. Names of company

p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) We don't use 'the' with names of company.

Hyundai Microsoft IBM
Sony BMW Toyota
GM ..... .....

(ex) He worked for GM in the United States of America.
(ex) Hyundai is the biggest company in Korea.


4. streets, roads, squares, parks .....

p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) We don't use 'the' with names of most streets, roads, squares
and so on.

Second Avenue Blackburn Road Spancer street
Seoul Park ..... .....

(ex) Is there a post office near Spancer street?
(ex) Where is Seoul Park?


5. some social positions and members of family + names ....

p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) When we use some word which indicate social positions, we do
not use 'the'.

Mr, Mrs, Ms, Captain, Doctor .....
President, Princess, Saint, Queen, King ....
Uncle, Father, Mother, Aunt ...

(ex) President Kim was elected last year.
(ex) Many people love Princess Diana.


nouns and articles