english grammer world

Past continuous

1. a specific action that is occurring

p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) We use the present continuous to talk about a specific action that is occurring.
p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) The specific action is not finished.

(ex)  He was hitted by a car when he was cycling home yesterday.
(ex) She is taking a shower.


2. a general activity

p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) We use the present continuous to talk about a general activity that takes place
over a period of time. ( a period around now)

(ex) Are you studying hard today? Yes, I think today topic is very difficult.
(ex) Are you enjoying a soccer game? Yes, it is very interesting.


3. future arrangement

p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) We use the present continuous to talk about future arrangement.

(ex) What are you doing tomorrow? I am decorating my room.
(ex) I am going to have a dinner with my friend tomorrow.


4. for describing present situation (some body or something)

p_yellow.gif (104 bytes) When we describe present situation, we use the present continuous.

(ex) Asian economic situation is already bad and it is getting worse.
(ex) She wants to study in Australia, so she is learning English


nouns and articles